The New Classics: Retro Activities for Your New Normal

Illustration by Kristia Benthien.

Illustration by Kristia Benthien.

New Normal. New classics.

A resurgence in retro activities is shaping up to be part of our new day-to-day culture, and it’s all around us! Like scrunchies and high tops. Groovy!

And we suspect there's more retro goodness coming our way.

Drive-in movies are on the rise again. 

Musicians are playing the sort of intimate concerts that graced the twentieth century but somehow got dropped from the twenty-first century’s agenda. Thank you Tiny Desk Concerts!

Places like Washington, D.C. are getting creative with restrictions and moving to the streets in coordinated “Streaterries.” Not unlike the outdoor shops and vendors of olden. Resiliency is always in style.

Let’s take a look at the top 3 retro activities you could choose to do and why they are perfect for now.

1. Drive up—Anything drive up is cool. Just make sure to prepare for a good time with extra snacks and water. Here are some amazing drive-ins across the US.

2. Dance off?! Yes, dance off in your driveway, living room, wherever! Dancing is an amazing activity, it's fantastic for your body, and it does wonders for cognitive health as well. Have a space you can create a dance off in? Go for it. This list has a bunch of options to help you dance away stress, extra pounds, and just get your groove on.

Tip: It is said that if you dance like no one is looking, it’s better. It just is.
— Takes a Break Crew

3. For those who are bound by public transport or just can’t get outside with the frequency or ease desired, no worries! There are a myriad of virtual and socially distanced options to participate with other folks in a way that makes you feel comfortable. Look to groups like Meetup and try searching by keywords like “social distance” or “virtual!”

What else will be back? Romantic serenades? Carrier pigeons? Unsliced bread?

We are all for it.

What do you like to do? Share it with us!


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