There are Superheroes Among Us

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Tell me a story, a really good story, the story of a 2020 superhero. Not Marvel, not DC. No, someone that you are just in awe of.

A real-life superhero.

I’m describing that person who has, in passing or more profoundly, left you awestruck of their capacity for <insert thing you admire> or has overcome <insert incomprehensible horror/challenge here>.

This person’s superpower, for some reason, has impacted your life enough to make you stop and think, and maybe even redirect.

By definition, a superhero is “a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers.” The feats of emotional and physical resilience we’ve experienced this year have shone the spotlight on the superheroes among us: first responders, teachers, civil servants, parents, KIDS, all our service men and women, our elders.

We have been forced to take a deep close look at our routines, priorities, connections, and we have been alerted to the sacrifices of our families and neighbors.

I don’t want to bury 2020 as a bad vintage. Yes, it sucked, but something happened beyond just regrettable instances that we must strip from our collective memory. 

The superheroes came out, we connected, we took a look at what we needed and now have a better handle on how we want to take on 2021.

My superpower is taking with me only what I need. I only look forward and am hell bent on creating a life where balance is part of the norm. There is no alternative. I don’t need what doesn’t serve me in the present, so I don’t carry those things with me.

What's your superpower?

This year I met super humans that help feed the world. I saw normal people just like you and me complete an incredible feat of continuous, unsustainable extended work circumstances. Constant change, no help with childcare nor education, and that collective uncertainty that presses down on your chest worse than Covid would. It's been a ride.

But when the night gets dark, we all come in and save the day. We are superheroes.


The most important thing to know about the superheroes among us is that they don’t even know they’re superheroes. We seem not particularly well-equipped to call them out and tell them what they have inspired in us. Would you like some inspiration in communicating gratitude to a superhero in your life?

Our collective superpower here at Takes a Break is helping people connect and explore what Taking a Break can look like and feel like in our now.

Let’s call out our superheroes more. You would be surprised to know that you are likely a superhero to more than one person.

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