Happy Accidents Happen

Shelby & Kristia in D.C.

Shelby & Kristia in D.C.

A year-long gig. A new city, a fresh start, and a screeching halt to twenty-first century life. Here’s what happens when everything falls into place imperfectly right.

Shelby moved to D.C. from Iowa for work and Kristia and her husband moved into the same building just a short time later for similar reasons. 

Neither knew too many people in town, a beautiful city, a seemingly impersonal city, forged by politics and postcards with cherry blossoms for droves of tourists to see and enjoy. Big cities are hard places to build genuine connections. Lots of folks are transient, and their presence is sometimes nothing more than a snapshot in time, easily forgotten. 

But sometimes, unlikely events unfold, and you find stories such as Shelby and Kristia’s. An unlikely pair, in an unlikely place, thriving, like a little plant growing through a crack in the ground out of sheer virtuosity of life.

You can't help but stop and reflect. 

And reflect they did. During walks, while sharing, it became clear as day: They were both tired. Tired of the “go, go, go,” always moving on to the next thing without slowing down, tired of not having time to just Take a Break and be present in the moment. Tired of not knowing what the fudge a Break would even look like.

Did they figure it out?

They’re on it! From there, a friendship ensued built on a shared passion for having better days, better lives, and a greater world around them that welcomed a new normal. A new normal that includes time to stop and Take a Break.


From the Editor


How to Avoid Distraction