Do The Thing. Diversify Your Break Taking Life.

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Let’s talk diversity. It's important, and for more reasons than you may expect!

Diversity is such a beautiful word with its many complex and varying implications. We all know that diversity is a good thing.

If you have a diverse 🥕 🍅 🥑diet, you will be better nourished.

If you have diverse exposures in life, you will be better prepared to share with others who are dissimilar to you.

If you have a diverse gene pool, you will likely be healthier. 🐶

So, doesn't it make sense that having diverse Breaks would be an ideal way to gain more “Break Time?”

Think about how diverse the options are to Take a Break. No. I mean it. Stop what you’re doing right now. Think about it.

In the quest for “finding the perfect Break,” I’ve found that Break Taking is the same as other aspects of life that need to be varied and balanced in order to have a well-adjusted human. Whatever you define as a well-adjusted human, that is.

Your Break Taking needs probably won’t be met by taking just one type of Break. By mixing it up, you can nourish your body and mind with all of the different mental and physical benefits offered by a smorgasbord of Breaks.

So let’s explore what a healthy diverse Break selection can look like!

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Find your THING:

The chill thing ✌🏼:

Identify diverse passive activities you enjoy or find personal benefit in! Reading a book or magazine, meditating, playing board games, anything that’s not physically strenuous and puts you in a state of ease.

The more you continue to grow in the things that allow you to “Break,“ the more options you’ll discover and the more diverse your Break Taking exercises will become. Keep at it, and you’ll end up becoming a Break Taking “pro.“

The moving thing 🚴🏽:

Or you could try a more physical Break! More strenuous activities can also be Break Taking moments. Choose something that will allow you to get lost in the activity. Look for something that you will become so consumed with that all you’re aware of is what you are seeking from your mind and body and how you feel in that very moment.

Channel all of your conscious energy into your chosen activity and let everything else go.

Maybe you’ll experience ultimate concentration while rowing on a lake.

Maybe you’ll finally be able to hear your thoughts on a walk.

Or maybe you’ll find the clear answer to an issue that’s been plaguing you.

The “be present” thing 🧩:

Not your jam? Find a Break somewhere in the middle!

Learn about your favorite wine and discover what it is about that varietal and vintage that’s so appealing to you.

Cook your favorite meal or a new dish you’ve never tried before.

Go offline for a few hours or even a full day. That’s right. No phones, computers, smartwatches, or devices of any type.

Focus on yourself and those around you. Give yourself a Break from life’s extraneous demands.

Embrace whatever type of Break speaks to you, but don’t limit yourself. Step out of your comfort zone or add a little more diversity to your Break Taking menu.

Find different ways to give yourself a Break and you’ll unlock parts of yourself that you never knew existed and that you never knew needed a Break.

Diversity. Do the thing.

Looking for some pro-level Breaking? Listen and learn from others via podcasts such as No Stupid Questions, or check out some of our other fave Reads, Listens & Streams.


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